Useful Links

We hope you find some of these websites useful. Please note that is not responsible for the content of other sites.

Benefits Agency – Department for Work and Pensions

The Government’s Inclusive Transport Strategy – achieving equal access for disabled people

Department of Health – source for official disability-related information

Directgov – information for disabled people and carers on employment, health and education. Plus advice on financial support, independent living and rights

Activity Alliance – charity working to make active lives possible with a core vision that disabled people are active for life

Local NHS Services Search – national and local information about NHS services

Mencap – charity for people with learning disabilities

Muscular Dystrophy Campaign – UK charity focusing on all muscular dystrophies and allied disorders

Action on Hearing Loss – previously known as the Royal National Institute of Deaf People, this is the largest charity for people with hearing loss in the UK

Scope – disability organisation with focus towards Cerebral Palsy

Scottish NHS – health information from NHS Scotland

Spinal Injuries Association – information and web links about spinal injury

Stroke Association – information on all things connected with strokes and their aftermath